Python with Django (web framework) and MySQL ( 10+ Innovative Major Project)
Creating empty sets and modifying the empty sets
Why sets not support indexing and slicing
Add, remove and discard the elements to set data structure
Issubset, issuperset and isdisjoint
Union, intersection and defference
Intersection_update and defference_update
Symmetric_difference and symmetric_difference_update
Converting given string data structure into set
Converting given list data structure into set
Converting given tuple data structure into set
Converting given set data structure into string
Converting given set data structure into list
Converting given set data structure into tuple
Dictionary Data Structure
Creating and working with dictionary data structure in different ways
Creating empty dictionary and working with empty dictionary
Working with key and value pairs
Dictionary mutable and unpacking dictionary
Adding and deleting key and value pairs to the existing data structure
Difference between pop and popitem operations
Extracting only keys from the existing data structure
Extracting only values from the existing data structure
Clear and pop methods
Del keyword and pop method
Creating a dictionary from existing another data structure like tuple
FAQs on all Data Structures
PART – 1
Arithmetic operators
Logical operators
Assignment operators
Comparison operators
Bitwise operators
Identity operators
Membership operators
Python Functions and Arguments
Defining functions and working with functions
Using def keyword for functions
Called functions and function definition and calling functions
Formal arguments and actual arguments
Working with named arguments and keyword arguments
Default arguments and positional arguments
Working with default arguments and normal arguments
*args and **kwargs arguments
Argument unpacking
Variable length arguments
Using data structures to function definitions
Nested functions
Dir() and Format() functions
Enumerate function
FAQs on functions and Arguments
Lambda Functions
Creating functions by using lambda keyword
Difference between def and lambda functions
Working with filter functions
Working with map functions
Working with reduce functions
Control Statements
Simple If statement
If else statement
Elif statement
Nested if statement
Membership test for string
Membership test for tuple
Membership test for list
Membership test for set
Membership test for dictionary
FAQs on control statements
For loop
While loop
Pass, continue and break statements
Iterating over list, tuple, set and dictionary
Advanced Concepts on Data Structures.
List comprehension
Dictionary comprehension
Nested data structures
File Handling
Creating a file in a directory
Open the file in the python
Different ways to open the file in Python
Writing to the file
Appending the data to the existing file
Modes of operations
Seek and tell methods
Readline and readlines
Working with words and characters in the file
Real-time scenarios on files
Interview based questions on the file
OOPS Concepts
Class and object
Class variables and instance variables
Data hiding
Method overloading and overriding
What is module and purpose of modules
Different types of modules
Different ways to import modules
Standard modules and user modules
From ... import *
Creating own modules
Using modules in other modules
Working with some standard modules
Exception Handling in Python
Iterators, generators and decorators
Working with yield keyword
Difference between yield and return
Decorating a function with another function
Regular Expressions
Basics of regular expressions
Findall function
Search function
Match methods
Matching and searching
Compile and sub functions
Mobile numbers verifications
Email ids verifications
Web scrapping
Command Line Arguments
Reading command line arguments
Using command line arguments
Working with Database Connection
Connecting to database from Python application
Creating connection to the database from Python application
Creating database and tables from Python applications to the database
Fetching data and updating data in the entities.
Using cursor to execute SQL command in Python application
Using Fetchall and Fetchone methods
Python Professional With DATA STRUCTURE, DBMS
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